Outotec Presented at IMIS 2015 – Iran Mines & Mining Industries Summit in Tehran, Iran

Outotec Presented at IMIS 2015 – Iran Mines & Mining Industries Summit in Tehran, Iran 
IMIS2015 was held under patronage of Iranian Mines & Mining Industries Development Renovation Organization (IMIDRO) and by Independent Inc. for Contemporary International Conferences & Fairs (IICIC), during May 31-June 1, 2015 in Tehran-Iran
IMIS is considered to be as one of Asia’s largest premier mineral investment, economic and trading cooperation event which covered all relevant disciplines of this important industry.
Outotec established its significant role by performing presentation through Mr, Pertti Korhonen, President and CEO of Outotec, during the inauguration of the event which follwed by two technical sessions via Dr. Kari Heiskanen concerning “new advanced solutions towards sustainable minerals processing” and Mr. Tobias Stefan about “Direct reduction solutions for the Iranian iron and steel sector”, in the second day of the conference.